
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We have always known...

How is it that others don't know?
The information is out there... healthy food, healthy body!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oppose Senate Bill S510

This can change our way of life as we know it! It will lead us down the road to enslavement to big business which will further control what we eat! First it's the small farms, next it will be urban gardens and community gardens.

Let us not forget that all the food recalls, Ecoli, and Salmonella contamination resulted from large corporate farming! Not backyard farms, nor small family farms. Yet this is just another way to eliminate the competition.

Currently all the egg recalls are from factory farms... not small organic farms.

Speak out people! The right to grow food is at stake!

Oh, and Glenn... leave PETA alone... their hearts are in the right place.

Stay Informed, Keep your rights to grow food!

Unintended Consequences

Monday, August 23, 2010

Food Matters!

"Back to the Land"

We are currently working on a "cook book" that will include many of our yummy dishes and treats, as well as food awareness and eco issues.