As I was considering what comes next for all you following the Living Prepared posts, I realized I may not have covered a couple things in the prior posts. That said... for just such occasions, I will add a "Random Thoughts" post and will email or text the link to those signed up for that.
First... I want to say that any and all may feel free to forward the weekly posts to friends and family. My goal is to get as many people hooked on the concept of self reliance as we can. Come what may... if more people take it upon themselves to be prepared, then we are better off as a whole!!
I am by no means a professional at this, and these "mini classes" are mostly geared towards those who are starting out. We will start with the basics, and move on from there. Occasionally I may post videos and other information on the blog that may interest you, so you can always go to the main page and look at all the posts.
In the first week, I discussed water and gave some storage links. I did not suggest individual bottles of water. The main reason behind this has to do with the out-gassing and hormone disrupting issues that come with bottled water. In a survival situation, this is the least of one's concerns, and bottled water can save your life. So when we discuss Go-Bags, it is likely you will be looking at bottled water options. But... they are not my first choice for water storage in the home.
I will add many links along the way. Amazon carries an array of goods and most of the time its no tax, no shipping, so I will link to them frequently. Some items can also be found at your local outdoor stores, such as REI or Bass Pro Shops. I am a fan of not driving all over town, so I love Amazon.
For those of you that have "liked" our Plan-To-Thrive page on Facebook, you know that this is not just about surviving a disaster... Its about Thriving in uncertain times and adapting to an ever changing global climate. It's about redefining what's real and what keeps us happy and healthy. It's about self reliance, to insure that we never need to worry about being without, in times of need. And it's about helping others, because it is with others that we create strong communities who work together. If you would like to get the posts from our facebook, please go here:
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As always, please free free to email me at if you have any questions.